Friday, July 15, 2005

You, Sir, Are No Kitty Kelley

I'm a few days late on this item, which I picked up courtesy of Wonkette, who is still refusing my phone calls and suggesting ice baths, but then I've been so consumed with wishing myself a happy birthday that I just haven't had time to do That Thing I Do For You of late.

So it seems that Edward Klein, august editor of "Personalities on Parade" for the august Parade magazine, and purveyor of not-very-good lies about Senator Hillary Clinton, is very, very unhappy about the vast liberal conspiracy to keep him from spreading his gospel about the Senator's alleged proclivities for carpet. The ever-loveable Howie Kurtz wrote about this for WaPo earlier in the week, here (if you need to log in and you haven't got a WaPo login, then you're utterly pathetic, but you can still use username:, password: register, courtesy of BugMeNot).

It seems Slow Eddie is unable to get booked on television shows to discuss his hatemongering smear job, and has thus far only appeared on unindicted child molester Sean Hannity's show, and on something on CNN. And got spanked on both.

Joe Scarborough of MSNBC put it best: "I just applied the Kitty Kelley test."



Immunegirl said...

In other news....why is there an icky Twerp link here? Ick, ick, ick.

I'm so offended that I might not talk to you for, like, a whole five minutes.

Kimmah said...

I saw him for about 30 seconds on Wolf Blister's show back in the US and Wolf said something about how he would continue to bring me the story no matter what the popular media thought.

I can't believe he's not been all over that O'Reilly show.