Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Imminent Death

It's been inevitable since the man pictured below died, but this sucks. It was, for a time, virtually a city ordinance that teenage Gophershole males work at Roy's; BFF and Elric did, for significant stretches, and I did, for about 20 minutes, before Pappy's Family Pub lured me back to my red-and-white striped shirt and styrofoam boater for a 30-cent raise. Good times, right?

I still eat there, and will until they close the doors. Ilse loves it, Whispers loves it, Databoy loves it, and Bam-Bam tolerates it, in a way he won't tolerate most sit-down places. BFF and Planet went there with us a year or two ago, for the hell of it, but I think BFF was too skeeved out to enjoy it. That's just my thought--he'll speak his piece, here or there, I'm sure.

The Late Great Roy Passin

(picture stolen from, and copyrighted by, The Gazette)


Sasha said...

I love it too. Doesn't anybody with a soul have some cash to invest? Sad sad.

BDR said...

Skeeved? Yup! Ghosts! Was fun! We'll go back.

It and Wolfson's are the only two old businesses still in Olde Towne, yes?

Funny guy, Katz.