Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Another Bad Day In Paradise

 Pete Seeger, dead at 94.

This machine surrounds hate and forces it to surrender
I cannot describe how saddened I am by this. Not even bunnies can fix it.

Not. Even. Bunnies.


Jim H. said...

Yeah. But you know we should all live to be 94 and effect the world through our art!

Sasha said...

Inch by Inch is one of the best prayers I know.

A biography that reminds us of the part that isn't so much music with Ronald Reagan as a minor character. http://www.motherjones.com/mixed-media/2014/01/pete-seeger-dead-94-folk-legend-playlist-politics

And that first photo at the bottom of the page? I'm in there somewhere. http://www.festival.si.edu/2014/remembering-pete-seeger-at-the-folklife-festival/

And Joe Stead uploaded this today, Pete singing Which Side Are you On and chatting a little. Because I need to remember that he was about the core of thing. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a8scaZKLD6c

Whispers said...

A good interview

zombie rotten mcdonald said...

I really regret missing Springsteen when he toured behind the Seeger Sessions; it seems that the show was not even sold out, and it apparently fucking rocked.

When perusing the blogs about it, the thing that struck me is that although I am nothing like a Seeger fan, the music he wrote, played and sang is so ubiquitous that I found myself saying "yesh....yesh.... FUCK YESH..." all over the place.

I was gonna write a post about such, and especially how the wingneuticles found it irresistable to kick a hippy when he was dead and unable to defend himself anymore, such that it made many of them lose their shit yet again.

Fuck, I feel like becoming a hippy myself, just to fuck with them.