Friday, July 22, 2005

Lying Skanks (The More Things Stay The Same)

I've been sort of itching to roll with a good mauling of the President and Judge Roberts for a couple of days now, but then I got busy with my masturbatory fantasies about a certain MSNBC television host, and then I got busy with some other stuff that's going on and coming up (see the Sausage, if you care). And Doctor Death is coming to visit, so I had to kill some mutant mildew to make room for him, and suchlike. And then last night, I just got into some weird paralysis thing where I was unable to tear myself away from the couch and television, which was unfortunate since television is, for the most part, horseshit.

So I sort of skipped the Court mania, at least as far as blogging about it. That's okay, because you have your own blog rounds to make, and they've undoubtedly included yards of verbiage about it. My position's pretty simple:

o The President's code language about "constructionism" and "judicial activism" is all deliberate lies;

o Roberts is a horrible choice, and the choice between militantly opposing him, thereby looking like wingnuts, and laying down for a whopping court-fudgepacking, is even worse;

o The choice of Roberts is purely Rovian, in its devotion to the selection of someone who's probably technically a very good judge and lawyer if you ignore the politics, and in its attempt to distract people from the fact that Karl Rove is a fucking traitor whose worthiness for the death penalty under that charge should seriously be given due process of law; and

o Sweet Irish Christ Please Don't Let Another Justice drop before January 20, 2009.

That about cover it?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Christ is Irish?