Satanopolis is very, very slowly returning to normal after its brush with a minor medical procedure (if you don't know already, it was south of the Equator, it went fine, and at this point I'm just dealing with itching, tugging, chafing, bruising, and the persistence of stitches, although the effort of climbing the stairs at the office this morning did cause a bit of sore--all pretty mild discomfort, but cloying and discomfiting nonetheless). It will be Crankytown for a few more days, then I'll return full of wit and wisdom and whatever else it is I'm typically full of.
Won't you take me to
Great minds, Dweeze. And nicely sung.
*laughs* This means my vacation is ending soon.
You were spayed?
I was over here the other day and had nothing intelligent to say. I don't now, either, but it seemed the right point at which to make an entry.
My sympathies to your nether parts.
But how do you feel really? Please you as many particples as are necessary to express yourself. Even dangling participles if you wish.
Normally I am not a Smoochy Higgy type of person, but in this case I think I will make an exception - because you have a little boo-boo and all. So here's a Smooch for you, big guy. Put it where you want it.
I prefer to think that he was fixed.
Are you saying he was broken before?
Spam! You have Spam!
Ilse: Only you can be the judge of that.
Wheeze: That's Ilse's job.
Dweeze: Dood. Dood! Remind me not to ever marry you, okay?
So you're saying you're a little snippy? *runs away*
Hope you're feeling better, dev.
Ilse: I'm pretty certain that's never going to be a concern, but if by some remote chance it becomes a possibility, I'll remind you.
Hey! I want to not marry Ilse, too!! Why does Dweeze always get to not get all the hot chicks?
Cause I've got what the hot chicks don't want...
PS: I love the little typing quiz on the comment box.
Can I be in the "Ilse won't marry me club?"
I'd pay to see KL and Ilse on their honeymoon...
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