Salon points out more base hypocrisy from the presidency. Remember back when it was important for Madame Justice O'Connor's successor to be enbenched by the opening of the Supreme Court's term? Not so important now, apparently. It is, however, important for the Senate to confirm Judge Roberts as Chief immediately, and anything else will be unduly dilatory, treasonous, terroristic, and political.
No, never y'all mind who's replacing the moderate, y'all just confirm Long John right now now now. Don't make us call y'all terrists.
That Spasm I Created For My Own Diversion
2 days ago
Don't you think "Long" John is a an appelation as not established as fact?
I used a dilatory once. It gave me a rash.
Okay, serious question - why does the new guy on the block when he's not really even on the block yet get to be the Chief?
Read your email, Lonestar.
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