There's some truth to the notion that the most important thing that can be done for the people of the ravaged Louisiana and Mississippi coasts is to help them, instead of bitching about the help they haven't gotten.
But it's apparent that there's a lot more truth to the notion that the amount of help they haven't gotten is a war crime. This crime is compounded by the Bush administration's habit of treating even respectful requests for accountability as treasonous (or worse, terrorism).
I can understand, in a very narrow and technical sense, the reluctance of those directly connected to the administration to accept any responsibility for the base incompetence that has marked the federal response to this disaster, and even their eagerness to blame overwhelmed state and local officials. Breathe deep, I said I "understand" it, not "condone" it. These people are, in theory, trying to get someone elected.
What I can't understand is the right-wingers'--bloggers, talking heads, pseudo-politicals, and others--adamant defense of the indefensible, and their hateful attacks on Ray Nagin and Kathleen Blanco. It is beyond argument that the effects of this storm far transcended the coping capacity of a state or local government. Michael Brown's inexcusable fiddling about is by now well-documented; even some of the most fascist bloggers are quite correctly calling for his head.
What the fuck is wrong with you people?
That Spasm I Created For My Own Diversion
2 days ago
"What I can't understand is the right-wingers'--bloggers, talking heads, pseudo-politicals, and others--adamant defense of the indefensible, and their hateful attacks on Ray Nagin and Kathleen Blanco."
Dude. Of course you can.
"even some of the most fascist bloggers are quite correctly calling for his head."
For the most noble of reasons, no doubt. No reason to hold responsible the guy who hired a clown (and crony) who was fired for inability to run horse shows to rule and coordinate a crucial gov't agency. Nosireebob.
Well, the good reason for that is that if we really hold him accountable, we'll get his boss as President.
I also think you can understand. The anthem of the far right is No Government is Good Government. This is all part of their bullshit political philosophy -- and you already knew that they are willing to encourage large numbers to die on behalf of their political philosophy. So by continually harping on the fact that a mayor can somehow manage this situation and avoid the entire role of, say, the Corps of Engineers and FEMA, they just keep planting the same thing in folks' heads.
And Michael "Horseman" Brown is on the teevee telling me how they're giving the destitute debit cards (ahhh, yes, a nation of plastic) to empower them to make their own decisions on what to do now. Two thousand dollars. That will buy freedom of choice, yes it will.
Oh and 'they' can't answer you because they haven't yet mastered the skill of copying those little letters.
You forgot "No Government is Good Government, Unless It Has To Do With Nasty Sex Things."
Comment from my mother: "Of course the hurricane wasn't the judgment of God. It missed the French Quarter."
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