Thursday, June 23, 2005

Props to Hannity

It appears that the man gave Edward Klein a rough time on his show last night (or maybe the night before--I can never tell when I'm a day behind), questioning the marital rape allegation and Klein's intense focus on Hillary's sexual preferences, among other things. Numerous links to this effect at Wonkette and other places.

Thank you, Sean Hannity. Not nearly enough to undo the effects of your long service as a bloviating fascist whore, but I'll give credit where it's due. Even if it was motivated by self-preservation; I can't call you a bad man for knowing dead fish when you smell it.


Anonymous said...

"I can't call you a bad man for knowing dead fish when you smell it."

I can. It was a work.

Sasha said...

Don't you feel just a little bit ... dirty?

Media Matters has links to the video (two formats) and the audio if you prefer original sources.

Dweeze said...

You mean more so than usual, right Sasha?

Landru said...

Fair and balanced. That's me.