Tuesday, July 26, 2005

Cryonic Suspension

YAMM is likely to be taking a few days off here. I have a circus to run, until sometime late Monday. I'm sure that by Tuesday something will have pissed me off enough to post some sort of screed. Until then, I wish you peace and flowers and hot sex with whatever it pleases you to sex with.


Dweeze said...

I see by the rules that a Flying Dutchman must be removed when identified. What happens to a Dirty Sanchez?

Landru said...

There is no such thing as a Dirty Sanchez. And Filthy Sanchezes are fine, as long as they're not performed in the ballroom.

For your edification, a Flying Dutchman is a piece, added to the board, to which the player is not entitled. It's technically a legal cheat, until it's caught.

Points of view vary as to whether there actually is any such thing as cheating in a face-to-face Diplomacy game. My position is that variable points of view are wrong; there is, quite absolutely, no such thing as cheating in a face-to-face game, although lying to the Tournament Director is punishable by death and there are a couple of forms of behavior that will piss me off pretty severely. But they're not actually cheating.

Immunegirl said...

Ummm....Landru, can you please wish me hot sex for a weekend when my parents AREN'T in town?

Dweeze said...

If you will Google, you'll find that Dirty Sanchez has a much greater rate of usage than Filthy Sanchez. In either case, I understand why you would not want one to occur in the ballroom.

Oh, and Iggy. How you doin?

gothmog said...

Dirty/Filthy Sanchezes in the "ball" room. Bwhahahahaha.

Sounds like the PT&KS knows how to throw a party. I'm so there, when I get done visiting Mt. Vernon and the Jeff Mem.

Dweeze said...

Don't forget punching Tucker in the gob!

Anonymous said...

Yeesh. Now there's a convention just for dips? Used to be, being a dip was something best achieved using pure, native diplicity Kids these days--everything has to be structured & organized, with rules and badges & carp like that.

I miss the good old days when our daddies gave us Bowie knives and bows-and-arrows and sent us out into the woods to learn diplomacy the old fashioned way.

momma said...

It is Monday. Some people need to return from the chips and dips.

Kimmah said...

a 4,000 sq foot ballroom, eh? Oh, the dancing you could do.