Sunday, February 17, 2013

Robbie Rogers

I've always liked him, because despite years on a yellow football team, he's a Terp. It's awesome that Robbie Rogers came out. It's not awesome that it's news. Or that he had to come out from anywhere. And it's a bummer that injuries are forcing him to retire.

I don't come around much any more. It's not that I don't love you. I have time for some grueling work hours, and to make some effort toward pretending I'm an actual part of my family, who are all brave and tolerant little toasters as I bust my ass and sink deeper into mire over what amounts to some seriously deep-seated personal/professional issues. Maybe that fog will lift in a couple of weeks, and maybe I'm just fucking delusional. We'll see. Be well.

Update: Holy fuck, Blogger tells me that was my 600th post. What a serendipitous blend of random and whine to mark that milestone.


zombie rotten mcdonald said...

Maybe that fog will lift in a couple of weeks, and maybe I'm just fucking delusional.

They're not exclusive, you know.

Sasha said...

Your 600th could have been worse. Come back when you can.